Aarati's Blog

Art of Appreciation

Art of Appreciation

“When did you last appreciate someone genuinely ?

 Not to please your boss or wife but  out of sheer appreciation from the heart towards your subordinate, your child, your students, your spouse, your maid ,your parents or even your mother in law. When was that day of appreciation or few words of gratitude, today, yesterday, day before or last month?

In my 25 years of experience in the corporate and education field , I realized not many have mastered this art of appreciation. They feel if they start appreciating every small thing , people will take them for granted, they will sit on their head. Especially if you are in a position of authority in office, school or even at home this appreciation does not fit in their KRA. It’s so easy to criticize but very difficult to appreciate, which is why it’s an art and you need to develop a skill to master it.

If you are not able to appreciate something so easily, it’s absolutely not your fault. That was your environment at home or at workplace that has made you like this. Environment plays a very important role in building your personality and character. But your conscious efforts will definitely help you change your personality irrespective of your surroundings.

Forget about appreciation but I have seen many who do not even have the courtesy rather the manners to speak to other individuals like a human being. This actually talks about their mental health and their inability to handle the situation. This is one of the reason of rising of stress levels in the society. If you pay someone, it does not mean you own them. It goes for both person or property . Actually you can not own anything. Neither house, company, spouse, children, maids, subordinates not even your own body . One fine day you will be kicked out of your body too!

So start appreciating what you have with you right now, at this moment .

The art of appreciation begins with self appreciation. Stop comparing yourself to others. You are unique, only one piece in the entire universe, a masterpiece of supreme creator!

If you are in a leadership role at home or in any organization then you must master the art of appreciation. This helps to nurture a positive environment at home and at workplace. This will also help talent retention, improve productivity and organizational growth and best part is this doesn’t cost you money. A few words of appreciation is absolutely free!

If you are a parent or a teacher, It’s even more important that you master the art of appreciation and also help your children to learn this art. Here’s a simple art activity for you.

Art Appreciation : It is the knowledge and understanding of the universal and timeless qualities that identify great art. The more you appreciate and understand the art of different eras, movements, styles and techniques ,the better you can develop, evaluate and improve your own art work. This also applies when you start appreciating others to help you appreciate your life!

Classroom Activity for kids 8 years and above – usually in any art class Art appreciation is conducted studying any famous artist’s painting .But as every child is an artist and we want to promote appreciation skills amongst children. You can ask students to draw something of their choice. Ask them to neatly colour it , add some extra elements by sticking or pasting if they wish .Now you can select any paining and talk about the theme, composition, overall effect, feelings, story, art elements such as  form, shape, line, colour, value, space and texture. Then divide the class in few groups. Each group will choose their painting for art appreciation.

A humble request to all the teachers, please appreciate your students. It doesn’t matter they don’t have a good handwriting or they are not good at studies or they are mischievous. They will definitely have certain qualities to be appreciated for. Try to find out their abilities rather than disabilities!

Activity for Parents – Every day make sure you appreciate someone in front of your child, not just humans but also nature or any object from your surroundings.

Encourage children to appreciate at least one thing in a day.

Can we teach them to appreciate the differences ? Imagine, then our world will be a beautiful place to live where everyone irrespective of their cast, community, gender, colour, species will live happily ever after!

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